Sunday, 26 November 2017

What is pattern making

Theres so much written these days on Pattern drafting and pattern making and I know you are wondering what this whole pattern drafting thing is all about. Pattern drafting is a way of cutting papers (a pattern paper) exactly the way you would cut the cloth using the exact measurements you are given. Pattern drafting is exactly the same as cutting clothes. The only difference is that you cut on paper and not on the fabric directly. 

You can make all your mistakes on the paper and get the chance to correct them on paper before you get to place the pattern paper on a fabric and cut. Voila! Less errors. 
People always believe that it is amateurs that cut paper first before placing the paper on fabric to cut but guess what? They are wrong!! By using patterns, you are less prone to errors than cutting directly on fabric. Pattern making helps you to get a better fitted clothing than 'free hand cutting'. 

You will get to know more about pattern making as we proceed. Don't forget to send in your questions and comments. Do have a lovely day !


The book "Pattern making for the shapely African woman" is a book on pattern making techniques especially taking into consideration the unique features and shape of the African women.

The book is a beginners and intermediates guide to cutting in a step wise manner with little or no direction needed. 
The book aims to empower the teaming populace of sewing enthusiasts who wish to learn sewing on a budget, the teaming populace of young mothers who cannot find time to enroll for a proper training course. 
The book aims to erase the stereotypical norm that learners must watch their masters or tuitors as they cut before they could learn to cut themselves.

To place orders for the Softcopy/ebook, follow this link

Payment is also accepted in other currencies besides the naira.

To Purchase the hardcopy, contact Ebere on 07032113474 or send an email to

Monday, 20 March 2017


So I was looking for what to wear with my brown pencil skirt and i ran into this really nice burnt orange top. see photos below.