Monday, 5 December 2022


When working on anything production, 3 systems are guaranteed to help you get fast and reliable products.

1) Reward system - You promise your team members something in return if they succeed in completion of a certain product by a certain time.

Watch them massively produce because now, they have something to look forward to

2) Supervision/ Monitoring system.
You must have line supervisors at every stage of your production to monitor and keep the team members in check.

Some persons will start pressing their phones once supervisors step out or start playing around but if they knew they were being watched via a camera or physically being supervised, some persons will behave better and speed up.

3) Monitoring system + Reward system.

This is the sweetest and best method.

By supervision, you ensure that your standards are maintained while trying to keep your team members away from any skoi skoi that might slip into their heads.

Your team members while being supervised are also internally motivated to keep doing the good job.

Las las, its a win win for everyone. This works for all sectors that involve productivity.

Winter reversible bomber jacket by Maison D'erex
