Just in case you are wondering why you should enroll at @erexfashion academy.
1) We have a well structured system and course outline that ensures that every student who shows up is given good attention and is taught everything in the course outline within the period of training
3) We have a system of accountability that ensures that every student is checked to the last detail on progress made per topic.
No one shys away from our weekly presentation and submission of classwork.
4) We have well train instructors who are not only trained on the art of sewing but trained on the art of patience and calmness to deal with the unending questions our students throw at us.
5) We have a beautiful and conducive working atmosphere that ensures our students are comfortable all through the period of their training
6) We have sewing machines enough for all our students; every student gets assigned a sewing machine upon registration.
7) We have different programs suitable for students at all levels of learning including level zero. So, you are welcome to start from scratch or to do your upgrade if that's what you want.
7) Your fashion dreams matter to us and we treat it with uttermost care and attention to ensure you actualize it.
So, what's keeping you?
Contact us on 07032113474 or visit us at 48 Neni street, opposite queens school ogui new layout Enugu for details.